Welcome to Birmingham LDC

The LDC is a statutory body, our role is enshrined in legislation (NHS act 1977 and Health & Social care Act 2003). We are a democratic body comprising of Birmingham dentists, elected by Birmingham dentists. 

Birmingham LDC is a proud and very proactive LDC, a fact which has received national recognition.

As a recognised trade union for UK doctors, no one better

understands your day-to-day lives.

We represent you both individually and collectively,

negotiating your pay and rights, and supporting you at


Birmingham LDC WhatsApp Groups 1 & 2

Birmingham LDC has set up 2 LDC Whatsapp groups as a way of disseminating

information rapidly before we can get more formal newsletters out. This does not

  permit two ways dialogue and purely a mode of receiving documents and


If you would like to be part of these groups and receive these updates,please open

the link below (Group 1 and 2 receive the same Whatsapp messages, you do not

need to register for both,only one)


0300 123 1233




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